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ArtMoney SE 7.44.1

ArtMoney SE 7.44.1

ArtMoney is a memory (file) editor. This is cheating program you can use for all games. ArtMoney can make a troublesome game easier to win by helping you find the memory address where a desired quantity (like amount of money) is located so you can change that quantity. In spite of its title, ArtMoney actually allows you to change any quantity specified in a game, whether it be dollars, bullets, swords, or health points. The program finds a hex address based on the input parameters you set and prints these addresses with their corresponding values. For example, if your character has 1,431 dollars, ArtMoney searches and displays all memory addresses containing the value of 1431. Of course, as there can be hundreds of memory addresses displayed after a simple search, you will need to filter these addresses. You lose nothing if you download FREEWARE Edition of this program.

 Using ArtMoney is totally LEGAL, it is NOT a program to copy, hack, crack or unprotect other programs. You may not use it for illegal actions. Please read "License Agreement". 

About PRO Edition 
 ArtMoney is available in two editions: SE (Special Edition FREEWARE) and PRO (Professional Edition). ArtMoney v7 PRO Edition cost only $24.90 for one user. It's a one time payment - all upgrades are free! As a registered user, you get software updates and upgrades absolutely free of charge. PRO Edition offers some extra features, it gives you almost 100% result! Only registered users can get technical support and can use all extra features. Please read here about benefits of registration. You can register online via the PayPro Global secure server. Click here to register. 

Program Advantages:
7 different methods to search for values ( 5 methods for SE edition), including - Exact value, Sequence of values, Range of values, Unknown value, Coded value, Search of Structures, Search by Formula. 
3 different methods to search for pointers, including scanner for Pointer-to-Pointer structure up to 5 level (2 level for SE edition). We recommend to scan only static and even addresses (Search with "Scan only static addresses" option). Static pointers works on all computers. 
Search for 12 data types in one time (18 data types with both byte orders). If you set "ALL" type when scaning then ArtMoney detects data type automatically. Unique scanning algorithm of ArtMoney has no competitor! Special data type "Integer 3 bytes" for Game Boy, NES, SNES и Sony Playstation emulators. 
ArtMoney uses multi-core processors (or multiprocessor systems) to provide the best possible performance of the memory scanning. If you have a dual-core processor, ArtMoney can scan up to 2 times faster. If you have a quad-core processor, ArtMoney can scan up to 4 times faster! Our unique scanning algorithm for float values up to 2 times faster then others scaning program! 
4 types of rounding methods are defined, they are "Round to nearest" (standart method), "Round down" (toward -infinity), "Round up" (toward +infinity), "Round toward zero" (truncate). 
Search for text and strings. ArtMoney detects text encoding automatically! The strings like a name of hero, a name of city, a name of weapon or a game script (Search for text is not available in SE edition). 
ArtMoney can scan in memory, in file or in folder. For example, you can scan a game folder for files that contain your money in the game. You can scan a disk, folder for files that contain your text string or another value (Search in folder is not available in SE edition). 
Additional filter conditions (>,<,<>,>=,<=). For example, you can use the filter condition <> (not equal) to filter values that are not equal 0. By that you will decrease total time of a search (is not available in SE edition). 
Assembly instruction type is available in PRO/VIP edition. An assembly language is a low-level language for programming computers. It implements a symbolic representation of the numeric machine codes and other constants needed to program a particular CPU architecture. Each assembly instruction typically consists of an operation plus zero or more operands. You can edit an assembly instruction (is not available in SE edition). 
ArtMoney supports normal and reverse byte orders. Reverse byte order used in many emulators of Sega Genesis, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Wii, Sega Saturn and Panasonic 3DO. 
Search with "Multiplicity of address" option. You can scan only even addresses or "multiple of 4" addresses. This option can increase a speed of search in several times. The probability to find the values when you scan only even addresses is practically 90% for Windows 32-bits. The probability to find the values when you scan only "multiple of 4" addresses is practically 75% for Windows 32-bits. 
Search in a memory block. Often resources in the game (stones, wood, life, armour) are located in one memory block. Scanning one memory block is much faster than the entire game, especially when the value is unknown. Simply select the "Search in this memory block' command from the context menu, and all search parameters will be applied to the memory block that contains the current address. 
Emulator options. ArtMoney can work with emulators addresses (real game console addresses, not PC addresses). Unique feature of ArtMoney for emulators has no competitor! Start a search and select your game system and emulator from the list. Now, ArtMoney tables for the emulator game don't depend on the emulator type and version, because in this case ArtMoney uses relative addressing. The table will always work. ArtMoney supports emulator pointers (real game console pointers)! 
Module addressing. The program works with addresses inside loaded module of selected process. It calculates the final address by summing the start address of the module and the address inside the module. The game can load the module at a different address every time after the restart. The address in module is always actual. 
Addressing in memory block. The memory block is determined by its size. The program works with addresses inside memory block. It calculates the final address by summing the start address of the memory block and the address inside the block. The game can load the memory block at a different address every time after the restart. The address in memory block is always actual. 
Search by formula. The most powerful search method! You will find any coded value! For example, save a memory dump three times. You have three states of the object. This states are M1, M2, M3. The states M1 and M3 have the same bar of life. Filter by formula "(M1<>M2)and(M2<>M3)and(M1=M3)". And you have the address of your life. 
Search for structures. A structure is a composite type. It is composed of variables that can have different types. For example, a structure of hero in a game contains hero attributes - health, experience, level, power, dexterity and accuracy. The user can generate a structure automatically from the opened table or can create it manually. The structure can contain skipped bytes between variables (ArtMoney can skip unknown attributes in the structure). Search for structures is an easy way to defeat DMA (if you have found some valid addresses and now they are not valid). Search for structures is not available in SE edition. 
Saving and loading a process. You can use it for saving in a game, if the game has no save function. Limitations: You can not restart the process. It works only in one level for big games (is not available in SE edition). 
ArtMoney can work with tens of thousands of addresses without system slowdown. You can set up to 6 special hotkeys for each address in the table which allows you to change a value on this address from the games, without switching control to ArtMoney. 
Stealth mode. ArtMoney disappears from the process list and from Windows list of operating system. Some games detect ArtMoney when you are trying to cheat. Enable the Stealth mode and the game will not detect it. 
Special option "Use own functions for access to memory". Set it to bypass any protection of memory. ArtMoney will use its own service for access to memory. Use it if ArtMoney can not open a process or read a memory. 
You can group found addresses. "Show tree of groups" option adds Group Tree panel to the main window. When you click on a group name in the group tree, you will switch a visible group in the table. 
4 freeze types. "Normal freeze" type means that - if the value changes in the game ArtMoney sets it automatically to the entered value. "Can increase" type means that the value can increase (become bigger) but not decrease. For example: Player Health, where I want to freeze it and allow it to become more but not to decrease. "Can decrease" type allows the value to become less, but not to become more. For example: Player Damage, where I want to freeze it and allow it to become less but not to increase. "From minimum to maximum" type lets you enter a minimum/maximum value for freezing. So the value can change at any time (increase and decrease), but will never be less than the minimum value and will never be more than the maximum value. 
Built-in formula calculator. You can enter your mathematical formula in any input field. For example, enter 2+2*3 for exact search and ArtMoney will scan for 8 (it is formula result). The formula can contain basic arithmetic operators and bitwise operators. The arithmetic operators are +, -, *, /, and MOD. The MOD operator returns the remainder obtained by dividing its operands. The bitwise operators are AND, OR, XOR, NOT, SHL, SHR. Brackets determining order of operation execution. You can use it for coded value. For example, "Loki" game uses XOR to encode health value. If you have 100 health points, search for "100 xor BAADBAAD" and select "Float 4 bytes" type. 
Process Map. You can view all memory blocks and all modules. The process map showed as many-coloured table. System module is green line. Shared module is yellow line. 
Memory Editor has many options for any need. If you use the "file(s)" object, then "Memory Editor" converts into "File Editor". There are four modes of moving in memory. You can change view and type each and current cell. You can change number of value columns. 
ArtMoney Tables (AMT files) contains information about author, game and operating system. One ArtMoney table can contain a description in several languages. ArtMoney uses the current interface language by default. 
ArtMoney skin engine supports visual styles for Windows (files with extension "msstyles"). The necessary theme is easily chosen among the thousands available on the Internet ( for example, ). 
You can enter value as decimal or hexadecimal ( simply finish input of number with 'h' key) in any input field. 
Check for new versions. Program with this option will check for new versions on site and display notification window (is not available in SE edition). 
You can download and install 27 language plugins и 10 manuals. 

System Requirements
Intel Pentium II processor (AMD K6-2) or higher. 
Operating systems Microsoft Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008/7/8/2012/10 x86 without limitations. 
Operating systems Microsoft Windows Vista/2008/7/8/2012/10 x64. "Saving and Loading of process" option does not work.. 
Operating systems Microsoft Windows XP/2003 x64. You can work only with first 4Gb memory of 64-bits processes. "Saving and Loading of process" option does not work.. 
Operating systems Microsoft Windows 95/98/ME/NT4. The program does not use multi-core processors (or multiprocessor systems). The following options did not work: "Saving and Loading of process", "Hide my process", "Use own functions to access memory". You can buy VIP edition to hide own process.

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Size: 2 MB


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